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Live Local INW
A directory of local businesses from various different categories from not just the Spokane Area, but the Palouse, Central Washington and Northeast Washington as well!
Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
A local organization allows girls to build courage, confidence, and character, and make the world a better place.
Cecile Charles
A local artist and textile designer that creates art or deigns that are unique and beautiful!
Aspire Skin & Wellness Clinic
A skin and wellness clinic located downstairs from us! They do facials and microdermabrasion, so you can glow!
AK Massage & More
Located in Aspire, they offer various massages, chemical peels, tattoo removal and more!
Natural Feet Footzonology and Massage
A massage place that also specializes in FootZonology, otherwise known as Foot Zone Therapy.
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